light at the end of the tunnel

Dear wine friends,

Here in the southwest the virus has come very close to us.

First of all, thank you very much for your solidarity and support during this time -

for the many lovely, encouraging phone calls, letters, conversations and wine orders.

The number of infections and contagions is slowly falling, the medical situation in hospitals and homes gives rise to hope, and public and private life is returning to normal "bit by bit".    

Schools, kindergartens, restaurants, shops, parks and wineries will soon open.

Even if this will initially continue to be associated with restrictions, distance and individual loss of freedom, we look forward to seeing you again, doing wine tastings with you or just talking, laughing and being together. 

And we are grateful that we have not lost any of our friends or relatives.

What remains after 8 weeks of lockdown?  

We hope respect, gratitude, togetherness, time for one another ...

Please do not forget, if this is to succeed: keep your distance and be careful.


Hopefully see you again at the winery soon

Your Beate